Advent: December 16




The Branch of Jesse


Isaiah 11:1-9 (Romans 15:8-13)


  • What does Isaiah mean by a branch growing out of a dead stump? (A new leader shall come from the line of Jesse from the tree of Israel that has been cut down) What will come from this branch? (This branch shall bear fruit) How is this a picture of hope? New growth from a stump of apparent destruction)

  • How does the Holy Spirit relate to the branch? (The Holy Spirit shall rest upon him) What will this branch do? (He will judge with righteousness and kill the wicked)

  • What animals are mentioned in this passage? (wolf, lamb, leopard, goat, calf, lion, cow, bear, ox, cobra, adder) Why is this interesting? (Dangerous and harmless animals will dwell together in peace)

  • Who is the Branch of Jesse? (The Lord Jesus Christ) (Revelation 22:16)


O Holy Night


Branch of Jesse, thank You for Your wisdom and strength. We praise You for being a holy judge who makes all wrongs right. We know only by Jesus Christ’s blood can we stand blameless before You. We look forward to the day of peace among all Your creation when everyone will proclaim You as Lord. Amen.

Dr. Mark Livingston

Mark has been the Lead Pastor of Broadway since July 2020. He is married to Amanda, and they have four children: Lacy, Micah, Landon, and Savannah. He was licensed to the ministry in 1998 and ordained in 2004. He obtained a Master of Divinity from Mid-America Baptist Theological Seminary and a Doctor of Ministry degree from Covenant Theological Seminary.


Advent: December 17


Advent: December 15