Featured Events
To see all upcoming events and worship gatherings, please see the calendar below.

Palm Sunday Picnic
Families with children from birth to 5th grade are invited to join us for a picnic and Easter egg hunt after worship on Palm Sunday.

D-Now Weekend 2025
it’s gonna be lit 🔥
Join us for D-Now 2025! The theme this year is Pre-Litty: Serve Here; Seek There. What does it mean to be Pre-Litty? You'll have to join us to find out. We will dive into 1 Corinthians 15 to celebrate Kingdom living in the present while we await an even greater future. Come learn how to live in these "in-between" times.

Good Friday Worship Service
Join us to focus on the crucifixion of our Lord and to take the Lord’s Supper.

Youth Summer Camp
A hands-on missions opportunity in New Orleans with camp-style lodging and worship. There will also be additional opportunities to tour the city and participate in fun activities during free time.

Parents' Night Out
On Saturday, February 15 from 5-8 PM, the Preschool and Children's ministries are hosting a FREE Parents' Night Out. This is an opportunity for us to serve our parents by watching kids from birth to 5th grade so you can have a date night. Kids will be fed dinner, play games, and watch a movie.

Youth Lock-In
Students, get ready for an all-nighter at the church! All 6th-12th graders are invited.

Our College/Young Adults ministry is taking a group to CROSS Conference in Louisville, KY from January 2-4! CROSS is for young adults 18 - mid twenties.

Christmas Eve Candlelight Service 2024
Join us for a traditional candlelight service on Christmas Eve! Light refreshments and a family photo booth will be available in The Hub afterward.

Volunteer & New Member Appreciation Fellowship
🎉 Church members, we appreciate YOU and are grateful for the ways you serve the church - whether it's in the nursery, the kitchen, the classroom, the worship service, the community, or anywhere in between. This Wednesday (12/18), our staff wants to show our appreciation by inviting you to our annual Volunteer & New Member Appreciation Fellowship.
The Appreciation Fellowship will take place in The Hub from 5:00-6:30 pm. It's a come-and-go event, and heavy appetizers will be provided. We'd love to show you our gratitude on this night!
There will be no other Wednesday night activities on campus.

A Christmas Celebration: The Miracle
This is a family-friendly Christmas production that incorporates familiar carols and powerful musical numbers with a modern-day drama which leads us into the presentation of the real meaning of Christmas.

Great Is Thy Faithfulness Celebration
On Wednesday, December 4, we will have an extra special edition of our Fall Family Gathering to celebrate our church’s 100-year anniversary AND the payment of our debt on the building. At this event, we will hear about God’s faithfulness from members of the church and will burn the debt note.
You won’t want to miss it! Just bring lawn chairs and your chili and/or dessert if you’re entering the contests.

Fall Fest 2024
Join us at our annual Fall Fest at Broadway for an afternoon of safe, family-friendly fun for FREE! There will be Trunk r’ Treat, games, animals, and food!

Preschool Pumpkin Painting Party
Join us on October 5th at 10AM at the NCS playground for a morning of pumpkin painting fun. Bring a pumpkin and get ready to get creative and probably a little messy! We will have cider and donuts to enjoy while we paint and play! Hope to see you and your little ones there! Please register all who will be attending!

Love Your Neighbor 5k
Love Your Neighbor is the outreach arm of Broadway Baptist Church which aims to help support local public schools, teachers, global outreach and relief efforts, and need-based ministries in the community.

Dad & Daughter Rock Climbing
Dads of girls grade 1-5, join us as we scale the rock walls at High Point Climbing (21 N. Humphreys Blvd. Memphis, TN 38120) on Saturday, September 7 from 4-6 PM.
High School After Hours: Saturday Edition
Come hang out with us all over Southaven! We will eat, hang out, play games, and enjoy a day together!

Men's Breakfast
Calling all men of the church! You are invited to our upcoming Men's Ministry Breakfast. This breakfast is free to attend - please just RSVP so that we can prepare food accordingly.

Family Movie Night
Join us to watch The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe.

2024 Parent Meeting
If you have a child in the children's ministry or youth ministry at Broadway (Grades 1-12), please plan to attend our parent meeting on Sunday, August 4 right after the worship service. This will be an important time of ministry updates and information about upcoming events. We will provide lunch for your family in the fellowship hall. Childcare will also be provided.

Vacation Bible School 2024
Every day, our kids are bombarded with questions: Did God really create everything? Why do bad things happen? Was Noah’s ark real? Why do I need to be saved? Can I trust the Bible?
At this VBS, your kids will explore the biblical answers to these questions as they set off on an epic adventure from Genesis to Revelation. Amid sloths, butterflies, river dolphins, and dart frogs, your children will sail along on a fun jungle cruise, stopping at seven ports of call. These ports are the 7 C’s of History: Creation, Corruption, Catastrophe, Confusion, Christ, Cross, and Consummation. Kids will discover how these events shape our world, and they will learn to reconnect the Bible to their everyday life.
Prepare to swing into fun as we head out on The Great Jungle Journey!

Middle School Summer Trip
Students who have completed 6th-8th grade, pack your bags! We’re heading to Blanchard Springs, AR for a middle school trip.

White Water Rafting (High School)
The High School guys and girls (Completed 9th-12th grades) will go on a white water rafting trip to the Ocoee River this summer!

College & Young Adults Fellowship
For young adults ages 18 to 20-something. Join us for a taco bar dinner and a night of fellowship! We’ll meet at Jackson & Britten Smith’s home. Find their address in The Way App or by contacting the church office (662-350-0020).

Youth - Parables at the Pool
This edition of Parables at the Pool is happening at the church! How? You bring your own pool! This event will take place from 5-8p for middle school and high school students. See more instructions in the video below.

Kids Pool Party
For families with children who have completed grades 1-5. This event is hosted at Adrian & Kelly Epps’ home. See the address in The Way App or contact lauren@broadwaychurch.org.

Women's Summer Book Club Meeting #2
Broadway Women’s Ministry will be hosting a Summer Book Club! We will be reading & discussing 12 Faithful Women, edited by Melissa Kruger & Kristen Wetherell.

Annual Business Meeting
Members, please make every effort to join us for our annual business meeting, which will include the presentation of the 2024-25 budget.

Preschool & Kids Zoo Day
Families with kids from birth to 5th grade are invited to a day out at the Memphis Zoo. This is a casual event - no need to register. Plan to purchase your own zoo ticket(s) at the gate.
If you have any questions, see Lauren Hanssen (lauren@broadwaychurch.org).

Mid-summer Fellowship: Prayer, Meal, & Sundaes
Gather with us for prayer, reports from our Brazil missions team & MFUGE camp, then a fellowship meal (burgers, hotdogs, and build-your-own sundaes!).

College/YA Cookout & Fellowship
College students and 20-something adults - join us for a grill out and fellowship on Friday, June 14.

Preschool Bubble Bash in The Grove
Join us June 14th at 11:30 in the Grove for a morning full of bubble fun!
Pack a lunch, blanket or chairs, and bring your favorite bubble gadgets/wands and let's fill the Grove with bubbles!