We’d love to have you visit us at Broadway Baptist Church!
Join US
God is doing exciting things in the life of our church! We are anticipating your visit, and want to make you feel welcome every step of the way - from pulling into the parking lot, to checking in preschoolers, and to finding the sermon text in the pew Bibles. Christ is the center of all that we do at Broadway, and we hope you’ll be a part of it!
Classes of all ages and life stages meet to fellowship, learn, & pray.
Enjoy a donut and a cup of coffee as our church body visits before the worship service.
Join us for our main weekly worship service, where we will sing, pray, read scripture, and hear the Word preached.
Multigenerational groups gather together in homes to share a meal, discuss that morning's sermon, and pray with one another. Contact brady@broadwaychurch.org about connecting with a group!
Fall 2024 Home Group Schedule: 9/15, 9/22, 9/29, 10/6, 11/3, 11/10, 11/17, 11/24
Get to know somebody around the dinner table! Dinner is served from 5:15-6:00. It’s pay-what-you-can, with a suggestion of $5 per plate. Please help us out and RSVP each week that you plan to come.
Children (Grades 1-5) join Pastor Brady for Broadway Kids. Students (Grades 6-12) are gather for a time of games, worship, and teaching. If you’ve got little ones, you can check them into the nursery beginning at 5:50.
Come ready to be equipped for the work of the ministry! During this time, adults choose from different classes taught by our pastors focused on “how to” live out your faith in various areas of life.
*On the first Wednesday of most months, Equipping Classes will pause and all adults wil gather together in the sanctuary for a prayer service and the Lord’s Supper.
Adults and youth who sing in the choir gather for their weekly practice. Child care is available.
What to Expect
Our greeting team will welcome you at our campus entrances with smiles on their faces.
Our children and preschool areas in The Hub are equipped to safely check in your kids and direct them to their classes.
Bible study classes are taught for all age groups throughout the campus. A greeter or someone at the connections table in The Hub will gladly help you find a class that fits you.
Our Worship Ministry will lead the congregation in a time of singing. We sing a blend of contemporary worship songs and classic hymns.
Pastor Mark, or any Broadway pastor, will unpack a passage of Scripture through expository preaching.

Ready to learn more about membership at Broadway Baptist Church?
We are a casual bunch, and we ask that you come as you are. You will find members dressed in coats and dresses as well as jeans and button-downs.
We love kids at Broadway, and we provide a safe environment where they can learn the Word of God. Many Sundays, children (grades 1-5) will check in to Kid’s Church, where they’ll be led by Mrs. Lauren. Other weeks, kids will join their parents in the main service for family worship.
Our preschool ministry is well equipped to care for your little one during Sunday and Wednesday services. All volunteers in our preschool ministry have undergone background checks and training. Preschool check-in is located in The Hub.
Attending church for the first time can be extremely intimidating. So, we’ve done our best to make our services easy to navigate for someone who’s never been to church. If you don’t have a Bible, you can use and keep the one in the pew. To help you follow along, we will announce the page number of the scripture reference.