Grades 1-5
Broadway Kids aims to glorify God by partnering with parents to disciple their children by providing equipping, accountability, biblical resources, and support.

Our Sunday School hour begins at 9AM with some opening games before transitioning to a time of prayer. We then review our previously covered New City Catechism questions and break up into age-graded small groups. Our teachers open their Bibles and teach kids through God’s Word and how it applies to their lives. We also do fun activities each week that are hands on and supplement the main truths of the lesson. If you are in the main Hub, check-in for Broadway Kids Sunday school is at the end of the hallway that leads to Northpoint School.
On the 2nd and 4th Sundays of the month we have Kids Church for 1-5th graders. For kids who have already checked in for Sunday school, Kids Church begins at 10AM as we eat donuts and play games for about 20 minutes. At 10:20AM we take the kids up to the sanctuary balcony where we will be for the duration of the service. Each child is encouraged to sing, and is provided a clip board & notes page to take notes and doodle during the sermon. This allows kids to sit next to their friends, and provides parents with a break, all while still enabling the children to participate in the gathering of the church.
Every first, third, and fifth Sunday of the month children in 1-5th grade join their parents in the sanctuary during the worship service for family worship. Here at Broadway, we strive for multi-generational worship. We believe that the best way for children to learn what it means to be a Christian is to worship God with their families in the Sunday morning service. The Bible repeatedly portrays people of all ages assembled together to worship God (Psalm 78:1-8; Joel 2:16; Ezra 10:1; Ephesians 6:1-3; Colossians 3:20).
All our Broadway Kids volunteers have been members of our church for at least 6 months, and have been interviewed, background checked, and completed sexual abuse prevention training. Periodically throughout the year we do a fire drill, tornado drill, and active shooter drill to do our best to be prepared to protect your child in any scenario.
Kids Praise
Our Kids Praise ministry begins every Wednesday evening at 6:00 PM up in the Choir Room on the second floor. Check-In kiosks are located in The Hub. The first 20 minutes we spend singing the worship songs that will be sung during the upcoming Sunday morning worship service to help the kids be familiar with them and be able to sing them. The next 20 minutes we spend reviewing our New City Catechism question of the week and typically doing a game or activity that goes with the question as well. The last 20 minutes we walk over to the Northpoint gym and play large group games. Once we hear word that the Adult Bible study is over, we escort the kids to the Hub to be checked out by their parents.
We have several children in our ministry who have special needs. We believe that every child is made in the image of God and possesses immense dignity, value, and worth. Our overall approach is to integrate our special friends as much as possible. We welcome parental involvement but also want to encourage parents to take a break and ensure that they are getting spiritually fed as well. We may place additional volunteers for a 1 on 1 buddy if needed. Please reach out to Pastor Brady to inform him of any needs your child may have so we can best meet them.
Over the course of the year, we plan to have a Broadway Kids event once a month. From parenting conferences, our annual Mom & Son Camp-In, to Father/Daughter Nights, and VBS, and Kids Camp, we try to plan fun events that provide an opportunity for kids and families to learn more about Jesus, serve together, and build relationships. Make sure to download the Way app for the latest Broadway Kids events.
Rather than organizing one token Sunday a year where kids participate and serve in the church, should the Lord lead you to join our church, we want to encourage you to include your kids in whatever area you will serve in. If you are work in nursery, bring one of your kids to help you. If you become the deacon of baptism, bring one of your kids backstage to assist. If you become a greeter, have one of your kids pass out bulletins. We know that Christianity is caught as much as it is taught, so please be intentional about including your children to serve alongside you.