Broadway Students is a ministry of Broadway Baptist Church to students in grades 6-12. This ministry exists to create opportunities for students to Gather in unity and community under the gospel, Grow in knowledge and maturity in their relationship with Jesus Christ, and Go forward with the love of God to bring the good news of salvation, through faith in Jesus Christ, to the world.


Unity and Community. Broadway Students should not be a “brand” that houses many factions, cliques, and divisions. Instead, we promote, encourage, and cultivate opportunities that will foster unity among the entire student group – regardless of age, school district, or background. This is only possible through the reconciling work accomplished by Jesus Christ on the cross.


Knowledge and Maturity. We desire to move Broadway Students from wherever we meet them to a place of deeper biblical literacy and spiritual maturity. This occurs through regular and intentional Bible study, discipleship, and conferences/events that promote this type of growth. A student that “graduates” from this ministry should feel prepared to immediately lead in the local church.


Outreach and Evangelism. Broadway Students is not a closed community. By the command of our Lord Jesus Christ and through his love and power, we desire and cultivate opportunities to intentionally reach students in our community, in our country, and in our world with the gospel. 

Weekly Schedule


  • 6th-12th grade students are going through The Gospel Project curriculum, which is a three year survey of the whole Bible with a constant focus on the Gospel. Classes are grouped by grade and gender.

  • 9th-12th grade students gather for fellowship and in-depth study of Scripture, looking at how to apply God's Word as we look ahead to the next season of life.


  • Get to know somebody around the dinner table! Dinner is served from 5:15-6:00. It’s pay-what-you-can, with a suggestion of $5 per plate. Please help us out and RSVP each week that you plan to come.

  • Students (Grades 6-12) are gather for a time of games, worship, and teaching. Then, we break into small groups for deeper discussion and application.

Disciple Now Weekend 2025