An Easter Celebration

A Family Devotional by Brady & Lauren Hanssen

Easter 2023

Prepare for Easter by incorporating An Easter Celebration: A Family Devotional into your family worship time. This booklet guides you through 14 days of scripture reading, worship, conversation, and prayer in the days leading up to Resurrection Sunday.

Each devotional lists a suggested worship song. Brandon Hughes, Pastor of Worship & Media, has recorded a series of videos in which he leads and plays guitar for each of these songs. We hope that you’ll use this resource and be blessed by it!

Day 1: Hosanna

Day 2: I Give You My Heart

Day 3: Man Of Sorrows

Day 4: The Servant Song

Day 5: Behold The Lamb

Day 6: Jesus Paid It All

Day 7: Grace Greater Than Our Sin

Day 8: How Deep The Father’s Love For Us

Day 9: Crown Him With Many Crowns

Day 10: Were You There

Day 11: Living Hope

Day 12: The Wondrous Cross

Day 13: In Christ Alone

Day 14: Christ Is Risen, He Is Risen Indeed