Advent: December 2


The Fall


The serpent and the fruit


Genesis 2:15-3:24 (Romans 5:12, 17-19)


  • How did Adam and Eve disobey God? (They ate the fruit from the one tree they were not supposed to) How did their relationship with God and each other change after they sinned? (They hid from God, were ashamed of their nakedness, and blamed others)

  • How does God show both judgment and grace to Adam and Eve’s sin? (God kicked them out of the garden, but clothed their nakedness with animal skins)

  • Read Genesis 3:15 again. This verse tells us that a future son of Eve will be struck by Satan but will ultimately defeat him. Who is this offspring? (Jesus)


Come Thou Long Expected Jesus by Meredith Andrews


Gracious God, how quickly we can question Your goodness, causing us to sin against You. Forgive us of doubting and disobeying Your Word. Thank You for Your grace and promising to send a Savior to defeat Satan on our behalf. Amen.

Dr. Mark Livingston

Mark has been the Lead Pastor of Broadway since July 2020. He is married to Amanda, and they have four children: Lacy, Micah, Landon, and Savannah. He was licensed to the ministry in 1998 and ordained in 2004. He obtained a Master of Divinity from Mid-America Baptist Theological Seminary and a Doctor of Ministry degree from Covenant Theological Seminary.


Advent: December 3


Advent: December 1