Advent: December 17




A whale


Jonah 1-4 (Matthew 12:38-41)


  • What did the Lord command Jonah to do? (Preach to Nineveh) Did he obey? (No, he fled the opposite direction)

  • How did the Lord respond to Jonah’s disobedience? (He sent a storm to get his attention) How did Jonah’s sin affect others? (It put them in danger)

  • How did God show mercy to Jonah in a surprising way? (He rescued Jonah by sending a great fish)

  • How did the Ninevites react to Jonah’s message? (They repented) How does God respond? (God relented from sending destruction upon them) How does Jonah respond? (Jonah is angry at God’s mercy and grace)

  • Compare Jonah’s story with Matthew 12:38-41. How is what happened to Jonah a sign of what Jesus would do?


Come Thou Fount


Merciful God, like Jonah, we are often quick to judge our enemies. Forgive us of our pride and stubbornness. Open our eyes to see how our sins hurt others. We know that only Your death and resurrection after three days and three nights gives us life. Thank you, Jesus! Amen.

Dr. Mark Livingston

Mark has been the Lead Pastor of Broadway since July 2020. He is married to Amanda, and they have four children: Lacy, Micah, Landon, and Savannah. He was licensed to the ministry in 1998 and ordained in 2004. He obtained a Master of Divinity from Mid-America Baptist Theological Seminary and a Doctor of Ministry degree from Covenant Theological Seminary.


Advent: December 18


Advent: December 16