50. The Presidential Perspective (with Dr. Bart Barber)

Barber, the current President of the Southern Baptist Convention! In their conversation, they discuss the position itself and how Bart came to hold it, issues that the SBC faces, and some encouraging things Bart wants Southern Baptists to know.

Broadway had the privellage of hosting Dr. Barber for a Wednesday evening servicve and a local pastors' breakfast. He is the Senior Pastor at First Baptist Church Famersville, TX, and was elected to be the President of the Southern Baptist Convention in 2022.

Dr. Mark Livingston

Mark has been the Lead Pastor of Broadway since July 2020. He is married to Amanda, and they have four children: Lacy, Micah, Landon, and Savannah. He was licensed to the ministry in 1998 and ordained in 2004. He obtained a Master of Divinity from Mid-America Baptist Theological Seminary and a Doctor of Ministry degree from Covenant Theological Seminary.


51. I Have An Idea!


49. Competent to Counsel