April 2023 Newsletter

From the Desk of Dr. Mark Livingston, Senior Pastor

No church ever means to, but they can become self-centered and introverted with little to no effort. It takes initiative and work to be extroverted and evangelistic. The good news is that I believe Broadway is working hard, by the grace of God, to be both outgoing and outreaching.

I see the outreach the church displays in every new member interview that I hold. When people go through the Beginning @ Broadway class, if they decide that God is leading them to our church, they meet with a pastor. We do this for many good reasons, but the most important reason is the gospel. Being a member of a church means that the church gives you, the member, the mantle (or the designation) that you are a believer. We may not say this, but it is always implied. One comes either by baptism, statement of their faith, or by letter from another like-minded church that testifies the one coming is a believer in good standing. You don’t want to give that mantle to someone who does not understand the gospel. That is not only dishonest and irresponsible, it is eternally dangerous. Good shepherds would want to know that the sheep know the Chief Shepherd (1 Peter 5:1-5).

I am continually blessed to hear new member after new member talk to me about their experiences with our church body. The constant refrain is, “The church was so welcoming”, or “I have truly found a family.” Likewise, I am saddened to hear that so many come from churches where they spent years and never really knew anyone. The love that Broadway is exhibiting is fresh and powerful. Church is supposed to be a family (Ephesians 2:22), and we are all members of the body (1 Corinthians 12). Those metaphors are meant to convey that the church is more than an institution or event. It is a living organism that exists to display the glory of God to a lost and watching world (Ephesians 3:10).

Let me encourage you to continue what you’ve started. Your love for one another and your love for those who enter demonstrate that you are truly Christ’s disciples. When I interviewed to become the next pastor, I asked if the church was a monument or a movement for God. I think we are becoming a movement. I see you moving to love those that God brings to our doors (and he is bringing many, praise God). Thank you for loving one another and thus proving the love of Christ.

Pastor Mark

Dr. Mark Livingston

Mark has been the Lead Pastor of Broadway since July 2020. He is married to Amanda, and they have four children: Lacy, Micah, Landon, and Savannah. He was licensed to the ministry in 1998 and ordained in 2004. He obtained a Master of Divinity from Mid-America Baptist Theological Seminary and a Doctor of Ministry degree from Covenant Theological Seminary.


Week 29: The Path to Unity


Week 27: Just Another Manic Maundy